The Altar of Comps

A typical day in Comps study land.  Things in italics are thought.

9:00 AM: Alarm goes off.  Ugh… I’m so tired… why do I have to get up?  I should check my phone.

9:05 AM: How can I possibly have so many e-mails just from overnight?

9:30 AM: I should stop surfing pinterest and facebook and get to work…

10:00 AM: Do I want coffee or a latte? …maybe I want both…

10:30 AM: Okay, I’m going to start with this book, then a chapter from Brockett, then I’ll review notes from yesterday, then I’ll read these two plays.  I don’t think I’ll have time for a run though… whatever, I’ll do a run tomorrow.

11:45 AM: Why, god, why, what am I doing and why am I doing it and are my eyes bleeding?  I need more coffee… Maybe I should go for a run.

12:45 PM: I want lunch… I should eat something… I hope there’s something to eat in the fridge.

1:00 PM: I should do my laundry…

1:30 PM: There’s no way, NO WAY that I’m going to get all of this done.  Not a chance in hell.  Why do I always do this to myself?

2:00 PM: What are my plan tonight?  Okay, if I push through I can probably maybe do

a shot I took of the library at Hammond Castle... it'd be much easier to work here, I think

a shot I took of the library at Hammond Castle… it’d be much easier to work here, I think

more work… no way I’m going for a run today.

3:00 PM: Brain is full, I’m going for a run.

4:15 PM: Cleaned and endorphins pumping, I sit back down to work.  Man I feel pretty good, I can probably push through and do everything I said I was going to do today…

5:00 PM: Okay, if I tack another hour onto my workday I can do everything I meant to do…

5:30 PM: Brain full, I’ll just throw on a documentary…

7:00 PM: Drooling on the couch.  I am comatose.

8:30 PM: God I did so much today… I should call someone to talk about all the stuff I learned!

8:45 PM: My roommate doesn’t understand why any of this is important, or the sheer scope of what I did today… maybe I should find someone to talk to who actually does get this.

9:30 PM: Either I’m going out, or staying in.  If I go out, I have to put on pants.  But then I’ll be able to sleep and not think about the difference between theatre in the Roman Republic and theatre in the Roman Empire…

11:30 PM: In bed, I begin to quiz myself about said differences.

Sometime in the night: I have a dream that’s some sort of fantasy remix of random thoughts flipping through my head.

…wake up, do it again.

Just don’t expect much from me this summer.  I’m sacrificing my all at the altar of comps.

One thought on “The Altar of Comps

  1. In my defense, your eyes would glaze over if I started telling you about my daily adventures with typeface and press releases. And marketing strategy. 🙂

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